Ten zestaw ćwiczeń jest przeznaczony dla nauczycieli i nauczycielek, którzy chcą
wykorzystać historie kobiet z projektu HerStories w swojej klasie. Został opracowany w oparciu o bogate materiały związane z historiami naszych bohaterek: zdjęcia, cytaty z wywiadów i kontekst historyczny.

W tych zasobach znajdują się m.in. szersze informacje na temat historycznego tła i krajów, z których pochodzi siedem bohaterek projektu, a także odnośniki do zewnętrznych zasobów związanych z badaniami i nauczaniem na temat historii kobiet. 

Materiały edukacyjne HerStories, zaprojektowane jako przyjazna dla użytkownika platforma z ćwiczeniami, które mogą być modyfikowane i dostosowywane przez nauczycielki i nauczycieli, zwiększają przystępność i ułatwiają zrozumienie siedmiu biografii przedstawionych w projekcie HerStories.

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External resources for teaching women's history

A Practical Guide to Teaching Women's History

lecture by Organization of American Historians wśród Angielski
An online lecture on a teaching project about the history of American women

Jewish Women´s Archive

collection wśród Angielski
Contains encyclopedia, educational resources including lesson plans, activities, teaching tools,

"You Said the Words You Wanted Me to Hear but I Heard The Words You Couldn't Bring Yourself to Say": Women's First Person Accounts of the Holocaust

article by Judith Tydor Baumel wśród Angielski

A journal article about Jewish women's narratives of their WWII experiences, including their gender-related roles

Women and the Holocaust: Hidden Women

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski
The educational program "Women and the Holocaust" aspires to expand students' knowledge of the Holocaust and highlight the special experiences of women during Nazi persecution. It is estimated that approximately 2 million women were executed or murdered in Nazi concentration camps or died due to the tragic living conditions they experienced in the ghettos, camps and "death marches". The program includes three different thematic sections: a) Women in Auschwitz b) Women in the Resistance c) Hidden Women. The primary source that will support this thematic section "Hidden Women" is an excerpt from the interview of Simha Salariou Bati, who together with her parents, her sister and her second sister's family hid in Athens and survived.

Women and the Holocaust: Women in Resistance

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski

The educational program "Women and the Holocaust" aspires to expand students' knowledge of the Holocaust and highlight the special experiences of women during Nazi persecution. It is estimated that around 2 million women were executed or murdered in Nazi concentration camps or died due to the tragic living conditions they experienced in ghettos, camps and "death marches". The primary source that will support the specific thematic "Women in the Resistance" is an excerpt from the testimony of the fighter of the National Resistance, Sara Jesua-Fortis, also known as "Captain Sarika", which aims to illuminate the unique experiences of women who took an active part in the resistance to save themselves from the Nazis' genocidal policy against the Jews.

Women and the Holocaust: Women in Auschwitz

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski

The educational program "Women and the Holocaust" aspires to expand students' knowledge of the Holocaust and highlight the special experiences of women during Nazi persecution. It is estimated that around 2 million women were executed or murdered in Nazi concentration camps or died due to the tragic living conditions they experienced in ghettos, camps and "death marches". The primary sources that will support this thematic section "Women in Auschwitz" are the testimonies of three women who survived the Nazis' genocidal policy against the Jews in the Auschwitz camp. They are Lisa Mano Pinhas, Janet Nahmia and Olga Lengyel.

Athens, March 1944

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski
On the occasion of the anniversaries of the arrest and deportation of the Jews from the Italian occupation zone (March 23-25, 1944), the Jewish Museum of Greece (JMG) created this educational program.

Liberation and Survival

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski
This educational program aspires to illuminate a lesser-known side of the Holocaust: the liberation of the camps by Allied troops. Through the cases of specific camps (Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Bergen-Belsen) the students will have the opportunity to examine through rich audio-visual material and the testimonies of the survivors themselves this difficult, painful and even dangerous transition of the inmates from camp life to normalcy.

The Persecution and Murder of Greek Jews from the Bulgarian Zone

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski
The JMG created this educational program in order to highlight the history of the deportation of Greek Jews from the Bulgarian-occupied zone on the night of March 3-4, 1943 to the Treblinka extermination camp. No Greek returned from this camp. This story provides an opportunity to highlight a special aspect of the history of the Holocaust.

Five chimneys: the testimony of Olga Lengyel

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski
This educational program aspires to expand students' knowledge of the Holocaust camp experience through the words of a survivor. It is based on the story of Olga Lengyel, who was deported to Auschwitz in 1944 with her husband, children and parents. Only she survived. The program is structured around six passages selected from her testimony, Five Chimneys .

My dear children... Thessaloniki, Spring 1943

eclass course by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski

Based on an excerpt from a letter of Neama Kazes in April 1943 to her sons, the JMG created this new educational activity, which can be used on the occasion of March 15, when the first train from Baron Hirsch (Thessaloniki's Ghetto) to Auschwitz started.

“The Second World War and the Holocaust of the Greek Jews 1941 – 1944″

digital application by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski
An interactive application for displaying archival material, which summarizes the history and events of World War II, the history of the Holocaust in Europe and more extensively in Greece, while referring to the timeless and topical issue of anti-Semitism, a highly hateful form of racism that plagues modern societies even today.

“The Jews of Greece: 2,300 Years of History and Tradition”

digital application by Jewish Museum of Greece wśród Greek, Angielski
The interactive app features archival material and presents the history of Greek Jews since late antiquity. It contains information about their religious traditions and everyday life, as well as their presence in the political, social and cultural life of the country. It also refers to the persecution of Greek Jews during the Second World War and traces the local history of the Jewish communities throughout the country. It includes folklore and ethnographic references, literary extracts, rare photographs, oral testimonies and other audiovisual material. The content was mainly drawn from the JMG Collections, Library, Photographic Archive and Oral History Archive, while some of it was kindly provided by private individuals.

Jewish Life and Modern Antisemitism in Germany, Greece, Poland and Serbia

online course by The HANNAH project wśród Greek, Angielski, Niemiecki, Polish,

A free online course, which aims to introduce its users to the richness and vibrancy of Jewish history and culture from the comfort of their home. It’s flexible and interactive, allowing them to study at theis own pace and to delve into a variety of resources from Germany, Greece, Poland and Serbia.